Hi, I’m Bex.


Hi, I’m Bex Sloan.

Welcome – thank you for being here.

I’d like to firstly share something with you, something that I’ve come to realise over the past 2 years – we take on many roles and wear numerous hats in our busy lives; I am a woman, a daughter, a big sister, a niece, a cousin, a granddaughter, a friend, a flatmate, a Marketing Executive, an enthused writer, a spiritual seeker, a rosé drinker, a lover of dancing, the ocean and all things nature – and as of 2 years ago, I uncovered and revealed to the world that I am also a sexual abuse survivor, and due to that very realisation, someone who now suffers from Anxiety.

Whilst not very obvious from the outset, I now find myself anxious about the new, fearing the lack of control in foreign situations. I have an ability to over-think almost anything, sending anxious butterflies soaring through me with such force. The idea of being open and real, showing vulnerability, terrifies me, and trying to calm my overactive brain is a never-ending battle. The list of things that freak the shit out of me is now long and diverse and, as my fellow anxiety sufferers will know all too well, I am the master of talking myself out of any situation that may have me stepping a little too far outside of my comfort zone.

One of my proudest life achievements thus far, is that I fought for my sexual abuser to be prosecuted and sent to prison, stopping him from abusing other young girls. However, in order to get through that incredibly emotional and challenging fight, I created myself a safe zone, and in turn lost a big chunk of who I once was – adventurous and daring, lover of change, with an excited zest for living life to the fullest. Anxiety entered my life, errecting walls that hold me back from really enjoying new experiences and eliminating the notion of living in the NOW.

This Blog is my way of tackling that anxiety head on and getting in touch with the old me. I aim to do this by putting myself into situations that scare me, challenge me and help me grow as a person. I must first admit something to you – my comfort zone, once large and untouchable, has shrivelled to the size of a pea, so we’re talking baby steps here, but hey, at least my feet are moving forwards.

I have decided to Blog my experiences, creating, Where the magic happens, for a few reasons: a) My anxiety has got in the way of truly living and I’m fed up with letting fear win! b) My Therapist encouraged me to seek outside of my comfort zone, whilst finding ways to expel anxious energy bouncing around in my body, and c) If I Blog about it, this bad boy will keep me accountable – no talking myself out of it this time!

I endeavour to be as honest, raw and open with you as I can, as this Blog isn’t just about the creative display of words or the retelling of my nervous adventures, this is my bid to find myself amongst anxious waves and to tackle my fears head on. I long to move past the endless fidgeting and ultimately find my own sense of calm, whilst discovering beauty in the new again.

Someone very wise once said to me, Get outside of your comfort zone Sloan, that’s where the magic happens!” – And you know what, I think they’re on to something.



Instagram | bexsloany